Saturday, 21 May 2011

ALBUM REVIEW: V/A 'Body Language Vol.10 M.A.N.D.Y' out now on Get Physical

Is this is as good as M.A.N.D.Y.'s first attempt which launched this series way back in 2005? Of course I am talking about the truly epic Body Language Vol.1 which if you have yet to have had the orgasmic aural delights commonly associated with listening to said release you really should consider purchasing, erm yesterday!

So this is sadly not as good as the first, but then such is life. I mean, sex excluded, the first things are usually the best as we 'chase the dragon' in a vain attempt to replicate these premier events. Off the top of my head my first cigarette, pill, joint, insert other drug here, football match, cheese sandwich, cigar, glass of vintage 30 year old wine were all the best and have yet to be bettered. In the case of the cigarette they hardly even register now on the rare occasion nicotine passes through my Hypothalamus but boy oh boy that first one sent me swimming! The same can be said of the Body Language series. Whilst I still more than enjoy listening to the great series, I have never been truly as moved as I was by the classic mix by M.A.N.D.Y in Vol.1.

So, as much as I do truly and honestly adore this - especially good is the Carl Craig Edit of 'Void 23' by Ramadamman & Appleblim and 'To Insanity & Beyond' by Patrice Baumel - it's not the best in the series by a long shot. Of course as an individual mix release this is truly excellent and M.A.N.D.Y can teach the budding DJ a thing or two about programming and beatmixing so pay attention to that and in case you got the wrong idea from the initial diatribe I still think you should buy it so what you waiting for?


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