Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Guess Who's Back, Back Again!?

OK as some of you may or may not know the original Vainzine blog was wiped out by the lovely people at google on Monday. But fear not we had a back-up in case this happened.

Yes just start a new blog. While it was a massive blow to lose 3 years work (we started back in June 2007) we'd just like to say f*ck you to however was responsible for the blog being taken down. You know who you are.

The beauty of the internet is that there is always something fresh that replaces the old just like in  nature we die and are reborn again so in that spirit we give you Vainzine 2.0.

You may notice over the coming weeks that its actually just the same as Vainzine but yesterdays deletion gave us a wake up call and we are now looking into getting our own site set up for Vainzine 3.0.

Until then  stay tuned :) 



  1. The God of internet saved Vainzine !

    F*ck Google and their two-speed policies… their ambiguous relationship to intellectual property

  2. The God of internet saved Vainzine !
    F*ck Google and their two-speed policies… their ambiguous relationship to intellectual property !


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